Osteopathy is an exclusively manual therapy with a global approach which aims to treat the loss of mobility of the various anatomical structures (joints, muscles, ligaments, fascia) of the osteoarticular, visceral and cranial spheres.
These losses of mobility, also called functional disorders or osteopathic dysfunctions, can be at the origin of a conflict that is a source of pain.
Indeed, the body constantly undergoes mechanical stresses which lead to micro losses of mobility. These dysfunctions are spontaneously reversible thanks to balances, that is to say to adaptations of our body which make it possible to maintain good mobility of the different structures.
Then an event (often an emotional or somatic trauma, repeated micro traumas, but sometimes not identified) can cause a spontaneous non-reversible loss of mobility in an area of the body, there is a locking of the area: it is the dysfunction "primary". This loss of mobility can be painful at the time then the pain subsides but the locking of the area persists.
At this moment, the body starts to compensate and to rebalance itself, it will create remote adaptations responsible for adaptive secondary locks: these are the "secondary" dysfunctions. Then by dint of adapting and creating secondary locks, the body no longer has any room for maneuver and the pain will then be expressed at the site of the primary dysfunction or at a distance.
This functional decompensation occurs, either little by little, or following an event, often trivial, which patients do not understand: by tying the laces, by putting on the seat belt, it is "the drop of water that makes overflow the camel's back ”.
Thus, the osteopathic treatment of pelvic pain will concern the painful area such as the pelvis as well as the pelvic-trochanteric and perineal muscles, but also at a distance by following mechanical chains, for example the spine (spine), the shoulder girdle (shoulders) , or even the feet.
In chronic pain, it is essential to have a multidisciplinary approach because these pain are complex, multifactorial and must be treated from different axes. In this multidisciplinary approach, osteopathy therefore has a complementary role in the management of the biomechanical component of these pains.